package info.u250.c2d.engine; import info.u250.c2d.accessors.C2dCameraAccessor; import info.u250.c2d.accessors.FloatValueAccessor; import info.u250.c2d.accessors.FloatValueAccessor.FloatValue; import info.u250.c2d.accessors.MeshMaskAccessor; import info.u250.c2d.accessors.SpriteAccessor; import info.u250.c2d.engine.CoreProvider.CoreEvents; import info.u250.c2d.engine.CoreProvider.TransitionType; import info.u250.c2d.engine.EngineDrive.EngineOptions; import; import; import info.u250.c2d.engine.load.Loading.LoadingComplete; import; import info.u250.c2d.engine.load.startup.SimpleLoading; import info.u250.c2d.engine.load.startup.StartupLoading; import info.u250.c2d.engine.resources.AliasResourceManager; import info.u250.c2d.engine.resources.LanguagesManager; import info.u250.c2d.engine.resources.MusicManager; import info.u250.c2d.engine.resources.SoundManager; import info.u250.c2d.engine.transitions.TransitionFactory; import info.u250.c2d.graphic.FadeMask; import info.u250.c2d.graphic.surfaces.TriangleSurfaces; import aurelienribon.tweenengine.Tween; import aurelienribon.tweenengine.TweenManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application.ApplicationType; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Preferences; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.resolvers.InternalFileHandleResolver; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TmxMapLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; /** * The main game engine . it supply many usefully static method to access the managers of the game. * you game should begin here , and simply extends this. * @author */ public abstract class Engine extends ApplicationAdapter{ private static Engine instance = null; public Engine(){ instance = this; this.engineDrive = this.onSetupEngineDrive(); this.engineConfig = engineDrive.onSetupEngine(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final <T extends Engine> T get(){ return (T)instance; } private EngineCallback engineCallback = new DefaultEngineCallback(); public static void setEngineCallback(EngineCallback engineCallback){ instance.engineCallback = engineCallback; } public static EngineCallback getEngineCallback(){ return instance.engineCallback; } private ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer; /** the game logic */ private EngineDrive engineDrive; /** the game configure */ private EngineOptions engineConfig; /** the event manager */ private EventManager eventManager; /** the core asset manager of Libgdx */ private AssetManager assetManager ; /** default bitmap font */ private BitmapFont defaultFont; /** default sprite batch */ private SpriteBatch spriteBatch ; /** default camera */ private C2dCamera defaultCamera; /** the loadding screen */ private StartupLoading startupLoading ; /** the in game loading */ private InGameLoading ingameLoading; /** the music manager */ private MusicManager musicManager; /** the sound manager */ private SoundManager soundManager; /** the resources alias manager */ private AliasResourceManager<String> aliasResourceManager; /** LanguagesManager */ private LanguagesManager languagesManager; /** Preferences */ private Preferences preferences; /** the fps label */ private C2dFps fps; /** the main game scene to show the graphic */ private Scene mainScene; /** the transition scene to switch two scene */ private Transition transitionScene; /** its a event manager that [Aurelien Ribon] supply */ private TweenManager tweenManager; /** if the game is running */ private boolean running = true; /** * This is one of the most important methods. * The typical, all the game logic and rendering entry will go from here. * We do this purpose, main is to let business operation independent, * and you may no longer care about many things such as resources destroyed, load control etc, * and to focus on the game itself. */ protected abstract EngineDrive onSetupEngineDrive(); /** * Set the main of operation, played the role of the page. You should never use this method */ protected final static void _setMainScene(Scene mainScene){ instance.mainScene = mainScene; } /** * When in the scene when switching between. * Will cause a series of gradual movement. * The last. New rendering methods will replace the old */ public final static void setMainScene(Scene mainScene){ setMainScene(mainScene, TransitionType.Fade); } public final static void setMainScene(Scene mainScene,TransitionType type){ Engine.setMainScene(mainScene, type, 500); } public final static void setMainScene(Scene mainScene,TransitionType type,int halfDurationMillis){ Engine.doResume(); if(instance.transitionScene.isTransiting()) return; if(instance.mainScene == mainScene ) return ; instance.transitionScene = TransitionFactory.getTransitionScene(type); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); instance.transitionScene.transition(instance.mainScene, mainScene,halfDurationMillis); } /** * You may want to know what's the main scene . Call this */ public final static Scene getMainScene(){ return Engine.instance.mainScene; } /** * First of all, load resources. * When resource loading was finished, * we will enter the game initialization operation. */ @Override public final void create () { try{ this.shapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer(); //set up the FPS if(engineConfig.debug)this.fps = new C2dFps(); if(engineConfig.catchBackKey)Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); //set up the TweenEngine this.setupTweenEngine(); //set up the camera this.setupCamera(); //the resource manager this.assetManager = new AssetManager(); this.assetManager.setLoader(TiledMap.class, new TmxMapLoader(new InternalFileHandleResolver())); this.aliasResourceManager = new AliasResourceManager<String>(); this.soundManager = new SoundManager(); this.musicManager = new MusicManager(); this.languagesManager = new LanguagesManager(); //the event manager this.eventManager = new EventManagerImpl(); //set up the sprite batch this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(); //set up the default font if( || == ApplicationType.iOS){ this.defaultFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/font-c2d.fnt"),false); }else{ this.defaultFont = new BitmapFont(); } //set up the default preferences this.preferences =; if(null!=engineCallback){ engineCallback.preLoad(,engineConfig.assets); } //loading screen this.setupLoading(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } protected StartupLoading getStartupLoading(){ return new SimpleLoading(); } protected InGameLoading getInGameLoading(){ return new; } private void setupLoading() { this.startupLoading = getStartupLoading(); this.ingameLoading = getInGameLoading(); this.startupLoading.setLoaded(false); this.ingameLoading.setLoaded(true); this.startupLoading.setLoadingComplete(new LoadingComplete() { @Override public void onReady(AliasResourceManager<String> alias) { transitionScene = TransitionFactory.getTransitionScene(TransitionType.Fade); engineDrive.onResourcesRegister(aliasResourceManager); engineDrive.onLoadedResourcesCompleted(); if(null!=engineCallback){ engineCallback.postLoad(); } } }); } private void setupTweenEngine(){ this.tweenManager = new TweenManager(); Tween.registerAccessor(Sprite.class,new SpriteAccessor()); Tween.registerAccessor(C2dCamera.class, new C2dCameraAccessor()); Tween.registerAccessor(FadeMask.class, new MeshMaskAccessor()); Tween.registerAccessor(FloatValue.class, new FloatValueAccessor()); } private void setupCamera(){ this.defaultCamera = new C2dCamera(this.engineConfig.width,this.engineConfig.height); } @Override public final void pause() { doPause();, this); super.pause(); } @Override public final void resume() { if(engineConfig.autoResume) doResume();, this); super.resume(); } public final static void doPause() { instance.running = false; instance.tweenManager.pause(); } public final static void doResume() { instance.running = true; instance.tweenManager.resume(); } public final static boolean isPause(){ return !instance.running; } @Override public final void render() { if(null == startupLoading)return;; final float delta = Engine.getDeltaTime(); this.defaultCamera.update(); this.spriteBatch.setProjectionMatrix(this.defaultCamera.combined); if(startupLoading.isLoaded()){ if(running){ if(null == mainScene){"Error", "you must supply a main Scene , Set it at EngineDriveer#onLoadedResourcesCompleted()"); System.exit(-1); } tweenManager.update(delta*1000); mainScene.update(delta); } eventManager.update(delta); if(transitionScene.isTransiting()){ transitionScene.render(delta); }else{ mainScene.render(delta); } //the in game loading if(!ingameLoading.isLoaded()){ ingameLoading.render(delta); } if(engineConfig.debug)fps.render(delta); }else{ startupLoading.render(delta); } } /** * In game load. */ public final static void load(String[] assets,LoadingComplete loadingComplete){ if(null == assets || 0 == assets.length) return ; instance.ingameLoading.setLoadingComplete(loadingComplete); instance.ingameLoading.setLoaded(false); for(final String path:assets){ instance.aliasResourceManager.load(path); } } public final static <T> T resource(String key){ return instance.aliasResourceManager.get(key); } public final static <T> T resource(String key,Class<T> type){ return instance.aliasResourceManager.get(key); } //Change to OrthographicCamera // private static Ray ray = null; // private final static Plane xzPlane = new Plane(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(1, 0, 0),new Vector3(1, 1, 0)); // private final static Vector3 intersection = new Vector3(); private final static Vector3 unproject = new Vector3(); public final static Vector2 screenToWorld(float x, float y) { // ray = instance.defaultCamera.getPickRay(x, y); // Intersector.intersectRayPlane(ray, xzPlane, intersection); instance.defaultCamera.unproject(unproject.set(x, y, 0)); // screenCoords.x = Vector3.tmp.x; // screenCoords.y = Vector3.tmp.y; return new Vector2(unproject.x,unproject.y); } public final static void debugInfo(String str){ getSpriteBatch().begin(); getDefaultFont().draw(getSpriteBatch(), str, 0, getHeight()); getSpriteBatch().end(); } public final static float getDeltaTime(){ return Math.min(1f/60f,; } public final static MusicManager getMusicManager() { return instance.musicManager; } public final static AliasResourceManager<String> getAliasResourceManager(){ return instance.aliasResourceManager; } public final static SoundManager getSoundManager() { return instance.soundManager; } /** you should never use this method , its only needed in Engine */ public final static AssetManager getAssetManager() { return instance.assetManager; } public final static SpriteBatch getSpriteBatch() { return instance.spriteBatch; } public final static C2dCamera getDefaultCamera() { return instance.defaultCamera; } public final static float getHeight(){ return instance.engineConfig.height; } public final static boolean useGL20(){ return instance.engineConfig.useGL20; } public final static float getWidth(){ return instance.engineConfig.width; } public final static BitmapFont getDefaultFont(){ return instance.defaultFont; } public final static EventManager getEventManager(){ return instance.eventManager; } public final static TweenManager getTweenManager(){ return instance.tweenManager; } public final static LanguagesManager getLanguagesManager(){ return instance.languagesManager; } public final static Preferences getPreferences(){ return instance.preferences; } public final static ShapeRenderer getShapeRenderer(){ return instance.shapeRenderer; } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { if(this.engineConfig.resizeSync){ this.engineConfig.width = width; this.engineConfig.height = height; this.defaultCamera.resize(width, height); } } @Override public void dispose() { try{ TriangleSurfaces.disposeShader();//dispose the shader this.tweenManager.killAll(); engineDrive.dispose(); if(null!=shapeRenderer){ shapeRenderer.dispose(); shapeRenderer = null; } if(null!=defaultFont){ defaultFont.dispose(); defaultFont = null; } if(null!=soundManager){ soundManager.dispose(); soundManager = null; } if(null!=musicManager){ musicManager.dispose(); musicManager = null; } if(startupLoading!=null){ if(!startupLoading.finished()){ this.assetManager.finishLoading(); } startupLoading.dispose(); startupLoading = null; } if(null!=spriteBatch){ this.spriteBatch.dispose(); spriteBatch = null; } if(null!=preferences){ preferences.flush(); } this.assetManager = null; this.defaultCamera = null; instance = null; super.dispose(); }catch (Exception ex){ //ignore ex.printStackTrace(); } } }